
If you made the use of The Exo-Striker for your paper, it would appreciated if you give credit to it. As it is unlikely that I (Trifon) will find time to write a refereed paper on the Exo-Striker soon, please cite the tool with its ASCL ID ascl:1906.004 (see

  • Some of the dynamical RV fitting routines are done by Xianyu Tan (the University of Hong Kong, now in Oxford) during his Master studies with Man Hoi Lee (HKU).

  • Some of the Keplerian RV fitting routines and other N-body codes are initially written by Man Hoi Lee.

  • Jakub Morawski (Warsaw University) worked on the “RVmod” library as my intern student in the summer of 2018. His numerous contributions during the early stages of this project are highly appreciated.

  • Grigorii Smirnov-Pinchukov helped to make the installer.

  • The AMD stability check function was donated by Stefan Dreizler (IAG, Germany).

The Exo-Striker relies on many open-source packages, which if you had made the use of (some of) them while working with the tool, you should acknowledge too. (It is your responsibility to find the correct references in the literature):

  • The interactive plotting is done with a custom version of the “pyqtgraph”.

  • “GLS” and “MLP” periodograms are taken from Mathias Zechmeister’s repo.

  • Transit least squares is taken from “TLS”.

  • The transit modeling is done with “batman”.

  • MCMC sampling is done with “emcee”.

  • Nested Sampling is done with “dynesty”.

  • TTV models are adopted from “TTVfast-python”.

  • The “Text editor” used in the tool is a hack between “Megasolid Idiom” and “PyEdit2”.

  • N-body tests are performed using a custom version of the “Swift” N-body library, modified by Man Hoi Lee (HKU) and Trifon Trifonov (MPIA).

  • Additionally, the Exo-Striker uses many “standard” Python libraries like “PyQt5”, “matplotlib”, “numpy”, “scipy”, “dill”, “Jupyter”, “qtconsole”, and more.

  • The Exo-Striker project was inspired by the “Systemic project”.

Scientific papers which one way or another made the use of the Exo-Striker (to our knowledge): Check in ADS.